Were you there when they crucified my Lord (거기 너 있었는가)
Afro-American spiritual  

Afro-American spiritual - Were you there when they crucified my Lord (거기 너 있었는가) by HeavenPiano
Afro-American spiritual - Were you there when they crucified my Lord (거기 너 있었는가) by HeavenPiano
88 مفتاح البيانو
كلمات الاغنية
نوع النوتة
غير محدد
فترة الاستخدام
90 أيام
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It's an overwhelming praise. My head is pounding and my heart is pounding.

Were you there when Lord on the cross... Were you there when the Lord came out of the grave...

It seems like he is asking me a question, so it's a very thrilling worship. As you prepare for your praise, join in the suffering and resurrection of the Lord...

It's been a while since I brought a hymn and this is the first praise from the 4th album, right?

I'm so happy to share the praise we prepared for our 4th album. To assist in deeper meditation with praise. May you taste the presence of a deeper grace with praise. Praise together is joy.

You guys bought a lot of 4th album.

Thank you very much, and I pray that it will help you to accompany with us.

You may not be familiar with it because I am trying hard to explain in writing in the video era.

Don't give up, read it several times~ :)

For your information, the free delivery of the 4th album is due tomorrow at 3 p.m.~

If you forgot to buy it, please hurry up~ :)