Gizmo Guy - LazyTown piano cover

Gizmo Guy  - LazyTown piano cover by Petro Melnyk
Gizmo Guy  - LazyTown piano cover by Petro Melnyk
Pièces jointes(3)
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Piano 88 touches
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2 portées
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Période d'utilisation
90 jours
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Lazy Town piano covers

The new LazyTime song is here. This is "Gizmo Guy" is Pixel's theme song. It is fully featured in "Zap It!" and "Remote Control". The instrumental of the song is heard very frequently throughout the show during scenes focusing on Pixel.
LazyTown is an Icelandic children's television show created by aerobics champion Magnús Scheving show that I spent my childhood on and which brings me back to those carefree times. Adventures of Stephanie with friends taught the right things in a very unusual, cool way. But let's be honest, what we loved about this cartoon the most is the music - it's just incredible here. Written mainly by Icelandic composer Máni Svavarsson, it added a refined charm to all this colorful action. All my piano covers of Lazy Town songs has separate parts - a separate instrumental part and a separate vocal part for the convenience of playing. I hope you will appreciate my many months of effort.
Enjoy listening and playing.