그 사랑 (The Love)
HeeJeong Park

HeeJeong Park - 그 사랑 (The Love) by HeavenPiano
HeeJeong Park - 그 사랑 (The Love) by HeavenPiano

Today is a requested song. 

Today I am going to talk about "Song-form"

It consists of 

1. Intro

2. Verse

3. Chorus

4. Outro

and we are focusing on those four components today. What's really important to know is at least you have to distinguish the difference between Verse and Chorus. Why it is important is that sometimes the way to play the song could be different depending on the Song-Form. For example verse is repeated for this song "The Love" and verse 1 goes "아버지 사랑 내가 노래해" (6-13 bars) and verse 2 goes "상한 갈대 꺽지 않으시는" (14-22 bars) 

Verse 1 should be played more quietly than verse 2 and verse 2 should be more played than verse 1. I put in a little bit more rhythm in verse 2. There are more notes, wider range so play it more powerfully. If you repeat the chorus, play second chorus more powerfully. 

I feel like I am talking too much.. so let me push back the way to make intro for next time. 

Usually you should play the last four bars of the song. 


This time, I put Outro that hasn't been appeared. In the last part of Chorus, I played "그 사랑 예수" in sync with "수" Outro starts since 31th bars. I played outro same way as intro and if you play another one at the end of the song, that is outro. 

So please give yourself a remind to distinguish the difference between chrous and verse. 

Thank you 
