
WANDS - 世界が终わるまでは by Purrvoice热狗
WANDS - 世界が终わるまでは by Purrvoice热狗
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Jaminan Wang Dikembalikan · Transaksi Selamat
Purrvoice_Hotdog Piano Sheets91

以下为中文简介和机器翻译: The following is Chinese introduction and machine translation: 


简介:这是我小时候就听过的一首歌,非常具有时代感。灌篮高手这部作品也可以说是动漫一个时代的辉煌代表了,而《直到世界的尽头(世界が终わるまでは )》这首歌则是我在灌篮高手里最喜欢的音乐。说道这首歌的改编过程,此次改编遇到的最大难题莫过于如何处理贯穿全曲几乎没有变化的架子鼓了。想要把一成不变的东西做的丰富而有层次真是让人头大,果然摇滚类的东西还是少碰的好吗(开玩笑的)。在改编之初我的目标就是尽量不要做的太难,相比我的其他作品,这次改编的可弹性提高了不少,我没有用一些很难处理的织体,整体听下来给人的感觉大概就是“中正平和”吧。89小节(3min26s) 往后的部分为了避免重复,我基于原曲的和声与旋律加了大量自己原创的段落,希望你们喜欢。



Introduction: This is a song I heard when I was a child. It has a sense of the times. The work of slam dunk master can also be said to represent the brilliance of an era of animation, and the song until the end of the world (the end of the world) is my favorite music among slam dunk masters. When it comes to the adaptation process of this song, the biggest problem encountered in this adaptation is how to deal with the drum set that has hardly changed throughout the whole song. It's a big deal to want to make the same things rich and hierarchical. Sure enough, it's better to touch less rock and roll things (kidding). At the beginning of the adaptation, my goal is to try not to be too difficult. Compared with my other works, the flexibility of this adaptation has been improved a lot. I didn't use some difficult fabrics. On the whole, it sounds like "Zhongzheng peace". In order to avoid repetition, I added a lot of original passages based on the harmony and melody of the original song. I hope you like it.

Difficulty: there is basically no difficulty in playing. If there is a pedal problem, it is also easy to refer to the audio. Maybe the only difficulty is not to get tired of listening in the process of practice.