Only looking for the Lord (주만 바라볼찌라)
Seongho Park  

Seongho Park - Only looking for the Lord (주만 바라볼찌라) by HeavenPiano
Seongho Park - Only looking for the Lord (주만 바라볼찌라) by HeavenPiano
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The lyrics of this song, "You respond to a small god," always melts my heart. That's right. It's not my attitude. God knows everything.

What about you guys? I think I'll experience grace in different parts of the same praise. This hymn's accompaniment is simple, and it's not that hard because it's just 8-beat.


When you follow the melody at first, have you ever been embarrassed because the melody is too low? There isn't any? Have you ever been flustered at the end of the stretch? There isn't?

I didn't follow the melody in the beginning. If you don't want to follow the melody, please refer to it. And for those who don't want to follow the melody, don't follow all the notes, just follow the melody in the wide perspective. 

It's easy to sing with just the first note.

It's also a way to play on one octave higher. I think it'll be good to start from the second iteration. You might not mean that you have to play all the notes. Don't be so stereotyped.

There's an extended ending at the end. At this point, I'm really at a loss what to do...

The reason I extended it is probably because I want it to be more grand. Well, let's play a little more grand.

Memorize the last 52-56 bars. You can play as much as you can memorize, and you can put the sheet music on the side. If you memorize it, you can use it somewhere else.

If I go to a practical music academy and learn jazz... I have to memorize a few pages a week.

Gradually, I have to memorize a few books... Memorizing is the job.

I think it's the academy where you train the memorized voicing and lines to come out naturally with your hands. If you want to apply it, you can't do it without the knowledge you have, so you learn to build basic knowledge first.

It's too much trouble for everyone to memorize... to blame their age, to blame their hair, to their eyes, to their hands. However, I hope you remember that music is a battle of memorizing many times. If you don't memorize it, you'll never get better, and if you have a good line, memorize it. If you want to play like a Heaven Piano, memorize all my accompaniments. Start memorizing from the one or two bar or the intro you like.

I like the part where I find difficult. I've had a lifelong education, so I know it's very difficult to do it myself. But if it's my favorite piano... If it's a must-have accompaniment... Why don't you give it a try?

I hope you become an accompanist who enjoys heaven while making a pledge to memorize it today.