We're Dancing - LazyTown piano cover

We're Dancing - LazyTown piano cover by Petro Melnyk
We're Dancing - LazyTown piano cover by Petro Melnyk
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Fortepian 88 klawiszy
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2 pięciolinie
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90 dni
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Lazy Town piano covers

Hello everyone!
We're Dancing is a song that was written for the unaired episode "The Lazy Dance". It is a variation of the Icelandic song "Dönsum", created in the early 2000s. It was not fully featured in any episode; however, "Miss Roberta" uses a short clip of the song and "Dancing Duel" features the instrumental.
LazyTown is an Icelandic children's television show created by aerobics champion Magnús Scheving show that I spent my childhood on and which brings me back to those carefree times. Adventures of Stephanie with friends taught the right things in a very unusual, cool way. But let's be honest, what we loved about this cartoon the most is the music - it's just incredible here. Written mainly by Icelandic composer Máni Svavarsson, it added a refined charm to all this colorful action.
All my piano covers of Lazy Town songs has separate parts - a separate instrumental part and a separate vocal part for the convenience of playing.
I hope you will appreciate my many months of effort.
Enjoy listening and playing.