Would You Fall In Love With Me Again from Epic: The Musical (With lyrics and chords)
Jorge Rivera-Herrans  

Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Would You Fall In Love With Me Again from Epic: The Musical (With lyrics and chords) by Rita B
Jorge Rivera-Herrans - Would You Fall In Love With Me Again from Epic: The Musical (With lyrics and chords) by Rita B
Piano 88keys
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Hi, I am Rita. I transcribe piano scores for popular music. All my sheet music are accurate but simple, beginner-level transcriptions with lyrics and harmonic chords.

Sometimes I post free PDFs.

More Epic: The Musical

“Would You Fall In Love With Me Again Sheet Music”

The track is transcribed in the original key, B Minor.

The chords progression has a lot of ambiguity and secondary colors. Friction between melody and harmony leads to a blurring of the harmonic center.

“Would You Fall In Love With Me Again” is composed with a straight rhythm in common time. There is a mix of delayed notes in the motive and triplets that should convey a speech-like intention.

The left-hand provides an accompaniment.

The right hand imitates vocal delivery by Jorge Rivera-Herrans & Anna Lea: a predominant articulation is tenuto non legato.

Pitch inflections (slurred notes) are played quietly.

Notice arpeggiato (𝆃) and fermata (𝄐).

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