新時代 New Genesis (One Piece Film Red Theme Song)
One Piece Film Red

One Piece Film Red - 新時代 New Genesis (One Piece Film Red Theme Song) by Karson Chan
One Piece Film Red - 新時代 New Genesis (One Piece Film Red Theme Song) by Karson Chan

Little tips for playing this song 彈奏這首歌的小小建議: 

1. You may need to cross your hands in bar 5. 


2. In bars 59-73 and 123-137, on the left hand, use your thumb to press the upper note in every 4.5th beat, and change your fingers for the lower note in order the hold the note and press the base note on the 1st beat in the next bar. 

在第59-73和123-127節, 左手每第4.5拍都要用拇指彈比較高的音, 而比較低的音需要轉手指, 才能在下一節的第一拍彈到底音. 

3. In bars 59-73 and 123-127, you may use the pedal to hold the base note. 

在第59-73和123-127節, 你可以踩腳踏去延長底音.

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